26 Aug

Some famous Website Built With PHP Technology

  • Yahoo:

This is the most popular website that all of us ever created our first email ids on. When we talk about Yahoo, the nostalgia hits when we used to pay high rates to the service providers for just a glance at our mails. 

Yahoo is the search engine that introduced us to the internet.

It is built entirely on PHP. However, it is not transitioning with NodeJS. 

We had yahoo news, yahoo finance, yahoo mails, and many other services to enjoy while it was still popular.

However, Yahoo is still up and running and is a name no one can ever forget.

  • Facebook:

The popularity Facebook enjoys is unbelievable. The whole world is on Facebook, quite literally. Some people even have two ids on the application.

Facebook is one of the most popular applications that is built using PHP. 

It is the largest network that connects people across the whole world. You might be in the US and talking to someone from the UK and feel like you live next door.

That’s how powerful one right application is.

  • Wikipedia:

Before starting with this, I want to thank this website for all the assignments it helped me complete. Wikipedia is a giant encyclopedia on the internet. There is nothing that you can’t find. It has around 5,892,449 articles only on the English site. Just imagine.

The largest internet encyclopedia is also built using PHP. 

It is an open-source website, so anyone can contribute to expanding the knowledge spectrum of others.

I believe no search is complete without browsing through the Wikipedia page of it. 

These are some of the most famous sites that are built on PHP and enjoy the love they get from their users. There are hundreds of other sites, too, that you might have heard of like Tumblr, Wordpress, Mailchimp, Flickr, Canva, and many more. I can’t name all, but all these popular websites also use PHP.

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